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Android + IOS mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

Android + IOS

Week 1: Introduction to Flutter & Dart

1.1 Introduction to mobile application development

1.2 Overview of Flutter and Dart 1.3 Setting up the Development Environment

1.4 Basics of Dart programming language

Week 7: Local Storage and Database

7.1 SharedPreferences for simple data storage

7.2 SQLite and the SQLite package

7.3 Hive for NoSQL local storage

7.4 Integrating local storage solutions into the app

Week 2: Flutter Basics

2.1 Widgets, state, and layouts

2.2 MaterialApp, Scaffold, and AppBar

2.3 Text, Image, Icon, and RaisedButton widgets

2.4 StatefulWidget, StatelessWidget, and managing state

Week 8: User Authentication

8.1 Introduction to user authentication

8.2 Firebase Authentication integration

8.3 Social media authentication (Google, Facebook, etc.)

8.4 Implementing secure authentication and authorization

Week 3: Navigation & Routing

3.1 Navigation and route management

3.2 MaterialPageRoute, Navigator, and MaterialPageRoute

3.3 BottomNavigationBar and TabBar

3.4 Named routes and passing data between routes

Week 9: Advanced Flutter Concepts

9.1 Internationalization and localization

9.2 Animations and transitions

9.3 Custom paint and drawing

9.4 Platform-specific code and plugins

Week 4: Advanced UI Components

4.1 Customizing widgets and Themes

4.2 Lists, Grids, and Infinite Scroll

4.3 Dialogs, Alerts, and SnackBars

4.4 Forms and input validation

Week 10: Backend Development

10.1 Introduction to backend development

10.2 Node.js, Express, and MongoDB

10.3 Building and deploying a RESTful API

10.4 Integrating the API with the Flutter app

Week 5: Working with APIs and Data

5.1 Introduction to RESTful APIs

5.2 Making API calls with the http package

5.3 JSON handling and serialization

5.4 Building an app with real-world data

Week 11: Deployment & Testing

11.1 Testing basics: unit, widget, and integration testing

11.2 Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)

11.3 Preparing the app for production

11.4 Deploying to the App Store and Google Play Store

Week 6: State Management

6.1 Overview of state management techniques

6.2 Provider and ChangeNotifier

6.3 Bloc pattern

6.4 MobX and GetX

Week 12: Final Project & Presentation

12.1 Planning and developing a full-stack mobile application

12.2 Reviewing best practices and applying course concepts

12.3 Project presentations and critique

12.4 Course wrap-up and next steps


  • SQLite
  • Firebase cloud  Firestore
  • Firebase Cloud Storage
  • Firebase Realtime Database


  • 5 Projects during course
  • 1 Realtime Project

Note: Please note that this syllabus is a general outline and may be subject to change depending on class progress and individual student needs.




